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A Holistic Practice Based on Embodied Neuroscience, Introspective Learning, & Effective Action

ElectroPhysiology Rx Modalities

ElectroPhysiology Rx Modalities 

I-Bresis Iontophoresis

I-Bresis Iontophoresis hybrid technology accelerates drug delivery – transdermal - through the skin. Drugs infused are usually anti-inflammatory steroids or pain relievers in liquid form, and in prescribed concentrations, from a compounding pharmacy.  

This mode is especially helpful as a substitute in situations that might feel squeamish in response to dose administration via a needle syringe injection application directly through the skin – such as for tennis elbow, knee bursitis, or biceps tendonitis. 

Instead, only the patch gets injected – and then applied like a bandage - over the involved area. 
The I-Bresis hybrid iontophoresis system provides optimal drug delivery through electrical microcurrent to better diffuse through the skin, and with flexible time-saving treatment options. Three treatment modes- I-Bresis, Standard or Patch Only- and the ability to deliver medication with positive or negative polarity allows us to choose the right medication and right application for each patient. 

The I-Bresis Mode powers a 3 minute Skin Conductivity Enhancement to help break down the skin’s resistance, resulting in a 40-80mA-min treatment in approximately 1-2 hours.

SCENAR: Contact Wand Application Device & ‘On-the Spot’ Therapeutic Reset

The SCENAR device also works through your skin (transdermal). It uses computer-modulated, electrical impulses to stimulate your brain (electroneuro-stimulator). The brain responds with it’s own signal which is picked up by the SCENAR device.

The SCENAR device then interprets the brain’s response and modifies its next impulse back to the brain to work at restoring balance to the body (This is called active reflex biofeedback) The brain, in turn, sends a modified response (and so on) until equilibrium is achieved (homeostasis).
During this ‘conversation’, of constantly varying electrical frequencies and waveforms, the brain also instructs the nervous system to generate Neuropeptides (the key biochemicals needed by your body to heal itself – the body’s own pharmacy). This is what the body was designed to do.

After an injury or onset of disease the communication system between the brain and the affected body part can ‘break down’ or ‘get used to’ the signal from that body part. The brain begins to accept the abnormal signal as “Normal”. This is a reason why many conditions become chronic and unresponsive to treatment. SCENAR breaks the body out of this habit and restores correct communication resulting in effective and more complete healing.

The electrical pulses from the SCENAR device have been specifically designed to contain numerous random features to prevent your body from ‘adapting’ to the stimulation and to help the body continue the healing process to its completion.
Because of its unique, computer controlled biofeedback capabilities and ability to stimulate Neuropeptide generation, the SCENAR achieves excellent healing results.
SCENAR is very different from other electrotherapy instruments such as TENS or Electroacupuncture. Tens units are mainly used to provide pain relief. Electroacupuncture instruments have a broader range of application, but they lack any bio-feedback capability. Only the SCENAR combines energy measuring functions along with real-time feedback and constant adjustment to deliver just the correct type and amount of energy to the body.
SCENAR produces both;
  • Local effects by stimulating the skin, blood and muscle vessels
  • General influence by influencing nervous, endocrine and immune systems.
Overall, SCENAR is an effective, non-invasive medical technology, which works by stimulating the body’s inherent self-healing mechanisms, with no undesirable side effects.

Scientific Definition of SCENAR

SCENAR is an acronym for Self Controlled Energo-neuro Adaptive Regulator
SC – Self-Controlled The SCENAR device establishes a biofeedback link with the body when in use, constantly changing the properties of the applied electric impulses, in response to the measured reaction from the body.
EN – Energo-Neuro The effect of SCENAR is based on electric impulses of a specific shape; patterned after the natural nerve impulses of the human body.
AR – Adaptive Regulator The SCENAR device not only provides direct therapeutic effect, but also activates the natural defenses of the body.
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