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Feldenkrais Guild® of North America - Membership Blog 

Low Back Pain: It’s not about Core Strength

Tim Sobie, PT, Ph.D., GCFP

Chronic back problems continue to be a leading cause of disability. It ranks among the most frequent reasons for consulting a primary care physician - second only to headaches and the common cold.

Typically, a pharmacy prescription for non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxants, and pain relievers will also include a referral for outpatient physical therapy. In addition to the usual physician recommendations to “evaluate & treat to therapist’s discretion” there is a high likelihood of...

Low Back Pain–It isn’t about Core Strength

In News by Ira Feinstein April 12, 2018
by Dr. Tim Sobie, PT, Ph.D., GCFP

The statistics are daunting, if not downright depressing: 80% of adults experience low back pain at some point in their lives. The most common treatments include prescription medicines, chiropractic treatments, or physical therapy rehabilitation, typically with a focus on core stabilization. The theory behind core stabilization is that if you focus on strengthening your deep trunk muscles, you will be able to utilize your “core” more and put less strain on your back.   
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