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A Holistic Practice Based on Embodied Neuroscience, Introspective Learning, & Effective Action

Posture Support & Positioning

Posture Support & Positioning

Material Supports

Poor posture, including shoulder slump and forward head position, can lead to shoulder pain, back pain, neck pain and headaches. The Posture Support Corrector pulls the shoulders back into the neutral position to properly align the spine.

Kinesio® Tape

When used with proper Kinesio Taping® techniques, Kinesio Tex Classic can improve muscle function, reeducate the neuromuscular system, reduce muscle fatigue, lessen delayed-onset muscle soreness and relieve pain. By gently lifting the skin, it improves blood flow and lymphatic drainage for better healing. This increase to interstitial space and lymphatic drainage also reduces the pressure on the body’s nociceptors, or sensory receptors, alleviating pain. 
Kinesio Tex Classic tape has the same elasticity as human skin and muscles. Constructed of high-grade cotton, it offers tremendous breathability, comfort and water-resistance, while the adhesive allows Kinesio tape to be worn for multiple days.


For over 35 years, Lympha Press® has produced the most-well regarded dynamic compression therapy products, and helped patients all over the world deal with lymphedema and venous insufficiency and improve their quality of life. Lympha Press® offers the world’s most versatile and advanced dynamic compression therapy systems with proven clinical evidence in over 20 peer-reviewed publications.
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